Cookbook Pre-Orders are Live! 🎉🎉

Dec 4, 2023
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You guys! It’s finally time!

Pre-orders for the cookbook are available!

I can hardly believe it myself. This is SUCH A BIG DAY!

Mel's Kitchen Cafe cookbook.

The website for the cookbook includes lots of details:

  • cookbook specs and info
  • ،pping (especially international ،pping)
  • timeline for ،pping (including a gift certificate to print out if you are gifting the book for Christmas)
  • and more FAQs

If you have any additional questions, PLEASE reach out [email protected]

The first print run has limited quan،ies, so order now if you want to make sure to get a book in the first ،pment when they come. 📖

Thank you for your patience! It’s taken a bit more time than I originally planned to get everything squared away so that orders can be placed wit،ut any issues.

This project has been such a labor of love, and I am so excited to get this book in your hands! Thank you for your excitement and support. It means the world to me. 💗

Click HERE for the back story on why I wrote this cookbook in the first place.

Mel's Kitchen Cafe Cookbook.

Disclaimer: I am a parti،nt in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

posted on December 4, 2023
