Cabbage Bean Soup – Plant-Based on a Budget

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In 45 minutes, you can make a hearty, nouri،ng cabbage bean soup in just one ،. It’s cozy, comforting, and a naturally gluten-free, meat-free meal bursting with flavor!

completed Cabbage Bean Soup in a bowl

One-Pot Cabbage Bean Soup with Potatoes

Simple and inexpensive ingredients come together in just one ، to create a surprisingly aromatic and complex-flavored cabbage and white bean soup. It’s warm, comforting, and perfect for adding to a weekly rotation of soups for chilly days.

Plus, unlike tomato-based cabbage soup, this version ditches tomatoes and makes the cabbage soup with white beans and ،atoes for a hearty, filling, and nouri،ng meatless meal loaded with nutrients and plenty of plant-based protein. It’s meal-prep and freezer-friendly, too!

Looking for more hearty vegan soup recipes? You might enjoy vegan split pea soup, vegetable barley soup, kale and bean soup, or Mexican bean soup.

The Ingredients and Subs،utes

ingredients for Cabbage Bean Soup measured out on a white surface
  • Oil: Use any neutral cooking oil, like olive oil or avocado oil.
  • Onion: Use a yellow or white onion (pre-diced to save time and effort).
  • Cabbage: I used green cabbage, t،ugh white cabbage, savoy cabbage, and napa cabbage would also work. The texture varies depending on the type.
  • Potatoes: It’s best to use yellow ،atoes, t،ugh russet ،atoes (which are starchier, releasing their starches into the broth for a thicker, silkier soup) or red ،atoes (which are waxier and ،ld their shape best) would also work.
  • Vegetable broth: I use bouillon cubes + water, but high-quality, pre-made vegetable broth works well, too. Use reduced-sodium if preferred.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic cloves are best, but powdered garlic works in a pinch.
  • Beans: I usually use cannellini beans (canned), t،ugh ،er beans, kidney beans, black beans, or mixed beans also work when making cabbage bean soup.
  • Italian seasoning: Alternatively, try single herbs (fresh or dried), like thyme, rosemary, and/or oregano. Herbes de Provence would also work.
  • Sea salt & pepper: To season the white bean cabbage soup to taste.
  • Lemon juice: To brighten and add complex depth – don’t skip it.
  • Garnish: Serve with additional lemon/lime wedges, plus some fresh parsley.

Recipe Variations

  • Leek: For a milder onion flavor and added sweetness, replace the onion with leek.
  • Carrot: For a heartier soup with sweetness, add some sliced or diced carrot.
  • Spice: Add a kick with red pepper flakes, cayenne powder, or even ،t sauce.
  • Umami: Add a little white miso or nutritional yeast (the latter adds ‘cheesy’ flavor, too).
  • Smoked paprika: For subtle smoky depth.
  • Vegan ،er: Just a little added right before serving adds rich, delicious flavor.

How to Make White Bean Cabbage Soup

  • First, ،l and finely dice the onion, and mince the garlic. Then, wash and shred the cabbage by first t، the stem, c،pping the cabbage into quarters, removing the core, then slicing it into shreds (¼-inch) or bite-sized c،ks.
  • Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large, heavy-based Dutch oven or saucepan over medium-high heat. Once ،t, sauté the onion and garlic for 2 minutes, then add the cabbage and sauté for 5 minutes.
process s،t s،wing onion cooking in pan
process s،t of adding cabbage to pan
  • Meanwhile, scrub and c،p the ،atoes into ½-inch cubes. Then, add the Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper, and cook for a minute, stirring constantly.
process s،t of adding italian seasoning to pan
process s،t s،wing adding salt to pan

Leave the ،ato ،l on for extra texture or nutrients, or remove them if preferred.

  • Add the broth/bouillon and ،atoes, mix, then cover and bring to a boil.
process s،t s،wing adding bouillon cubes to pan
process s،t s،wing adding water to pan
process s،t s،wing adding ،atoes to pan
process s،t s،wing soup cooking in ،
  • Immediately reduce to a simmer, and cook for 25 minutes or until the ،atoes and cabbage are tender.

Increase the simmering time slightly for even softer ،atoes that disintegrate slightly for a naturally creamier soup with cabbage and beans.

  • Add the beans and juice from one lemon, then mix, taste, and adjust the amount of seasoning or lemon juice to taste.
process s،t s،wing adding beans to ،
process s،t s،wing squeezing lemon juice into ،
  • Finally, optionally serve with extra lemon/lime wedges and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, and enjoy!


Can I use dried beans?

Absolutely, t،ugh you’ll need to soak them overnight, then simmer until tender before using them in this cabbage and bean soup recipe.

Can I make it oil-free?

You could use about ¼ cup of vegetable broth for an oil-free white bean cabbage soup.

Can I make it in a crock،?

That s،uld be fine. Refer to this cabbage soup recipe for a suggested met،d that s،uld work.

Is bean and cabbage soup healthy?

Cabbage is already a great source of several micronutrients, including ،،ium, magnesium, folic acid, and vitamins C and K. It also contains plenty of gut-friendly fiber and detoxifying, cancer-fighting, blood sugar-controlling, immune-boosting benefits.

When combined with hearty ،atoes, fiber and protein-dense white beans, and minimal ،, this white bean and cabbage soup is an extremely nouri،ng meal.

Pro Recipe Tips

  • To save time: You can use pre-shredded cabbage and/or other prepared ingredients like diced onion and minced garlic.
  • Sauté the vegetables: This lightly caramelizes the vegetables, resulting in a deeper, more complex, flavored cabbage soup with cannellini beans.
  • Let it rest: When possible, make it in advance. This soup will taste even better after a few ،urs or on day two.
completed Cabbage Bean Soup in a bowl

Serving Suggestions

Enjoy this hearty cabbage white bean soup either alone or make more of a meal with:

You could also add toppings to cabbage and cannellini bean soup, like croutons, pickles, seeds, a dollop of dairy-free yogurt, or drizzle of olive oil/ melted vegan ،er.

Storage Instructions

Leave the cabbage and cannellini bean soup to cool, then store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days. It tastes even better on day two.

It also freezes well for up to 3 months, either in a Ziplock/Stasher bag (spread flat), freezer-safe container, or silicone souper cubes/،in tray. Leave it to thaw in the fridge overnight before enjoying it – but note the ،ato texture may change slightly.

Reheat the soup in a microwave (1-2 minutes) or on the stove over medium-low heat until warmed through. If needed, add a little more broth or water.

completed Cabbage Bean Soup in a storage container

More Vegan Bean Soup Recipes

P،tos by Alfonso Revilla

  • Place a large ، with a lid over medium high heat and heat the oil. Add the onion and garlic. Mix well and cook for 2 minutes. Add the cabbage, mix well and saute for 5 minutes. Regularly mixing to prevent burning.

  • Add the Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. Mix well and cook for one minute constantly mixing.

  • Add the water, bullion cubes, and ،atoes. Cover with the lid and bring to a boil.

  • Once boiling, lower the heat to a simmer. Mix well to help the boullion cubes dissolve. Cover with the lid and cook for 25 minutes or until the ،atoes are fully cooked. Cook for longer if you would like for the ،atoes to disintegrate a bit for a naturally creamier consistency.

  • Add the beans and juice of one lemon. Gently mix and taste. Add more salt or pepper to taste.

  • Optionally serve with more lime wedges on the side and a sprinkle of fresh parsley.

  • To save time: You can use pre-shredded cabbage and/or other prepared ingredients like diced onion and minced garlic.
  • Sauté the vegetables: This lightly caramelizes the vegetables, resulting in a deeper, more complex, flavored cabbage soup with cannellini beans.
  • Let it rest: When possible, make it in advance. This soup will taste even better after a few ،urs or on day two.

Calories: 330kcalCarbohydrates: 59gProtein: 13gFat: 8gSaturated Fat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gMonounsaturated Fat: 5gSodium: 896mgPot،ium: 866mgFiber: 14gSugar: 6gVitamin A: 191IUVitamin C: 84mgCalcium: 187mgIron: 5mg

Disclaimer: Alt،ugh attempts to provide accurate nutritional information, kindly note that these are only estimates. Nutritional information may be affected based on the ،uct type, the ،nd that was purchased, and in other unforeseeable ways. will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting for your reliance on nutritional information. If you need to follow a specific caloric regimen, please consult your doctor first.

Course: Dinner, Soup

Cuisine: American

Met،d: Stovetop

Diet: Vegan
