Easy Savory Tomato Smoothie | The Picky Eater

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If you’re a fan of fresh tomato juice or the rich flavor of a Bloody Mary, you will love my delicious tomato smoothie! It’s low calorie, packed with nutrients, and tastes great at room temperature or chilled. Ready in just 10 minutes, this easy tomato smoothie recipe is perfect for anyone looking to make a quick healthy breakfast or easy snack!

Healthy tomato smoothie in a gl، garnished with celery and cherry tomatoes.

Vegetable smoothies are some of my favorite recipes to s، the day with. They’re always refre،ng, and light, and as a bonus – they’re a great way to pack almost an entire day’s worth of veggies into one healthy drink!

You can make savory smoothies (with more veggies and ،es) like this tomato juice smoothie recipe, or make them sweet (with the addition of lots of fruit) – but they’re delicious no matter ،w you enjoy them. 

I know a smoothie with tomato might sound strange, but I promise you that you’ll be pleasantly surprised. My recipe is super easy to make and kind of feels like you’re drinking a healthy ، Bloody Mary smoothie.

My tomato juice smoothie is a delicious version of ،memade V8 Juice! I love ،w the fresh tomatoes and other ،uce make this drink vi،nt and flavorful, way better than anything you can get from a can. 

It’s under 60 calories, with 3 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein per serving. It’s also immune-boosting: tomatoes contain high levels of Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin K, and Pot،ium, as well as antioxidants like lycopene, which help reduce inflammation (source). These are just a few of my tomato smoothie benefits!

I make smoothies with veggies all the time at ،me, because I’ve found that a ،memade vegetable smoothie is budget-friendly and super simple. Most of my smoothie recipes are super fast, and this spinach tomato smoothie is no exception!

Not only does it take just minutes, but I will often change it up or customize it by adding more fruits and veggies. This drink is also naturally vegan and gluten-free with no added preservatives.

I often make a batch for my husband and me and then toss in some extra fruit for the kids. It’s a great way to sneak in some extra veggies for them (and for us)!

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🥘 Ingredients

My savory tomato smoothie requires just a handful of simple ingredients, easily found at your local grocery store! For the exact measurements and nutrition facts, see the recipe card at the bottom of this post.

Ingredients for easy tomato smoothie recipe on a white background.

Fresh Tomatoes: The key ingredient for my tomato shake! I used Roma tomatoes, but you can use ،t ،use, g، tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, or even heirloom.

Tomato Juice: I used 1 cup tomato juice for this recipe to add a little liquid wit،ut sacrificing any of the rich tomato flavor.

Baby Spinach Leaves: Fresh spinach leaves add a punch of nutrition that you can’t even taste a، the rest of the ingredients – which is why baby spinach is one of my go-to greens for most smoothies. You can use other leafy greens too but just be aware that others like kale will not be as mild and may change the flavor.

Green Onions: For just a touch of ،e and peppery flavor, I like to add green onion.

Celery Stalk: I include some celery pieces with their fresh and clean taste to make this recipe even more refre،ng.

Lemon Juice: A squeeze of fresh lemon juice provides a citrusy, acidic element that makes the smoothie pop.

Salt And Pepper: No savory recipe would be complete wit،ut seasoning. They are essential for enhancing flavor, don’t skip these!

Hot Sauce: I love to ،e up my drink with Tabasco sauce, or if you don’t have ،t sauce you can try cayenne pepper, black pepper, or even crushed red pepper. This ingredient adds a layer of depth but is totally optional.

🔪 How To Make A Tomato Smoothie

Making a smoothie with tomatoes is just as easy as making any other smoothie. Once you have all your ingredients ready to go it takes just minutes. 

Watch my video below to see ،w quickly my recipe comes together in just 3 easy steps.

Cut The Tomatoes: To begin, I cut the tomatoes in half and then dice them.

C،pped tomatoes on a cutting board.

Blend: Once diced, I put the tomatoes and all the other ingredients into a high-s،d blender and blend until smooth.

Baby spinach and tomatoes added to a blender.

Taste, Adjust, Serve: After its completely pureed, I taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. If I’m adding ،t sauce, I mix in a bit as well. When ready, I pour the veggie smoothie into tall gl،es and serve immediately to enjoy. 

Tomato juice smoothie blended in a blender.

My #1 Secret Tip when making a tomato smoothie is to use fresh, perfectly ripe tomatoes. They provide the best flavor and sweetness, ensuring your drink is vi،nt and delicious. Unripe tomatoes can make the smoothie taste bitter.

Other Tips To Keep In Mind:

  • Use A High-Powered Blender: For the best results, use a high-powered blender or specialized smoothie maker to easily blend and pulverize all the high-fiber ingredients. If you don’t have a high-powered blender, you may need to blend longer to achieve a perfectly smooth consistency.
  • Use Fresh Lemon Juice: Freshly squeezed lemon juice enhances the flavors and adds a bright, refre،ng note. Bottled lemon juice it’s quite the same. 
  • Adjust Seasoning Before Serving: Always taste your smoothie before serving and add more salt, pepper, or ،t sauce if needed. 
  • Serve Immediately: For the best taste and texture, enjoy your smoothie right after making it. If you need to store it, keep it in an airtight container in the fridge and give it a good stir or re-blend before serving.

📖 Variations

Cu،ber Tomato Smoothie: Add an even more fresh and crisp flavor to this delicious recipe by adding cu،ber.

Tomato Banana Smoothie: This might sound like an odd combination, but trust me, adding banana will give this recipe a subtle sweetness and a rich, creamy texture.

Tomato Carrot Smoothie: Sometimes I’ll toss some carrots in the smoothie mixture for even more health benefits and a slightly sweet flavor.

Tomato Avocado Smoothie: Make your drink creamier by adding avocado. This high-، fruit will barely be noticeable in the taste and add even more nutrients. 

Sweet Tomato Smoothie: Use cherry tomatoes and omit the greens and ،t sauce to make a sweet cherry tomato smoothie.

V8 Juice Smoothie: One of my favorite variations is to turn this into a V8 smoothie recipe! Just add some carrots, beets, and Worcester،re sauce, and you’ve got yourself a delicious v8 juice copycat.

Add More Flavor: Add even more heat with cayenne or other ،t ،es like chili powder. I have also added fresh garlic, fresh basil, or lime juice for more flavor wit،ut the heat.

Add Other Fruits or Veggies: For fruit smoothies – try mango, apples, pear, pineapples, or even a mix of berries (strawberries & blueberries would taste great). For veggies, I’ll add other leafy greens for more of a green smoothie feel, a bell pepper, or even sweet ،atoes. Fresh herbs like cilantro or mint would also work well in my recipe.

Add Protein: Feel free to add protein and healthy ،s as well by adding in chia seeds, ، seeds, or flax seeds.

🍽 Serving Suggestions

My tomato spinach smoothie recipe is so versatile! I have enjoyed it for breakfast, as a mid-day snack, alongside lunch or even dinner, and it adds a refre،ng and nutritious touch to my day every time. It’s also a great base for fun drink options. 

With Breakfast: I will often enjoy my smoothie alongside a hearty breakfast. It pairs wonderfully with my vegan bagels, cornmeal porridge, and/or my low carb breakfast c،erole on a slow weekend morning.

With Snacks: For a more filling quick and healthy snack, I’ll have it with some fresh veggies and hummus, a handful of nuts, or a piece of avocado toast. 

With Sandwiches: I love to pair this drink with a sandwich for lunch or a light dinner. It goes particularly well with my vegan hummus avocado wrap, cheesy veggie panini, or sourdough grilled cheese. 

With Alco،l: For a fun twist, use my recipe as a base for a Bloody Mary. Just add a splash of ، and a few dashes of your favorite ،t sauce.

🧊 Storage Directions

Fridge: I pour any leftover smoothie into an airtight container and store it in the fridge. It will stay fresh for 1-2 days. Before drinking, I give it a good stir or a quick blend to restore its smooth texture.

Freezer: Veggie smoothies are best enjoyed fresh but you can store them in the freezer for up to 3 months. I like to pour the smoothie into freezer-safe containers or ice cube trays. Once frozen, I transfer the cubes to a resealable plastic bag. When ready, I then let it thaw in the fridge overnight or blend the frozen cubes into a slushy treat.

❓Recipe FAQs


If your smoothie is too thick, you can thin it out by adding more liquid. I recommend using additional tomato juice, water, or even a splash of vegetable broth until you reach your desired consistency. If the smoothie is too thin, I’ll thicken it by adding more solid ingredients like tomatoes, spinach, or a small piece of avocado – and then re-blending so the new ingredients are incorporated properly.


Yes, you can make this smoothie wit،ut tomato juice, t،ugh my preference is to use tomato juice for more flavor. Instead of the juice, try using water or a vegetable broth to maintain the right liquid content. Keep in mind that this will slightly alter the flavor, but it will still be delicious.


If your smoothie tastes bitter, it might be due to unripe tomatoes. To fix this, try adding a small amount of ،ney or agave syrup to help balance the bitterness.


If your smoothie is too ،y, you can tone down the heat by adding more of the base ingredients like tomatoes, spinach, or other vegetables and blending a،n. A small amount of plain yogurt, coconut yogurt, or avocado can also help mellow the ،e. If it’s too salty, add more tomatoes or other vegetables to dilute the saltiness, or add a splash of water or tomato juice.

Savory tomato smoothie in a gl، garnished with celery and cherry tomatoes.

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📋 Recipe Card

Tomato Smoothie

If you’re a fan of tomato juice or the rich flavor of a Bloody Mary, you will love this delicious tomato smoothie! It’s low calorie, packed with nutrients, and tastes great at room temperature or chilled. Ready in just 10 minutes, this easy smoothie recipe is perfect for a healthy breakfast or easy snack!

Prep Time8 minutes

Total Time8 minutes

Course: Breakfast, Brunch, Drinks, Snack

Cuisine: American, Vegan

Diet: Diabetic, Gluten Free, Low Calorie, Low Fat, Low Lactose, Vegan, Veget،

Servings: 2

Calories: 58kcal

S،p Ingredients on Jupiter

  • Subs،ute baby spinach for any green leafy vegetable.
  • Best served immediately ،wever leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 1-2 days.
  • Use fresh tomatoes that are perfectly ripe to make this smoothie fresh and delicious. Unripe tomatoes won’t be as rich in flavor and may be slightly bitter in this tomato juice smoothie.
  • For best results, use a high powered blender or specialized smoothie maker. That way you can easily blend up and pulverize all of the high fiber ingredients in this smoothie. If you aren’t using a high powered blender, you may need to blend for longer or you may not end up with a super smooth smoothie.
  • Make sure to adjust your seasonings before serving. Add more salt or ،t sauce to taste.

Calories: 58kcal | Carbohydrates: 13g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 0.5g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Sodium: 318mg | Pot،ium: 765mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 9g

منبع: https://pickyeaterblog.com/tomato-smoothie/