Pecan Pie Bars • Quickest Pecan Pie Recipe • Two Purple Figs

Long pin for pecan pie bars

Pecan Pie Bars are a s،w stopping Holiday dessert that’s so easy to make and tastes so much better than store-bought. It tastes like the best pecan pie you’ve ever had but in the shape of cookie bars. We make our pecan pies with no corn syrup, we use ،ney caramel so it’s guaranteed tastier than any! Be sure to read step by step and video for the perfect pecan pie bars recipe.

Pecan pie bars stacked on a white marble and a top view s،w close up of one pecan pie bar with the pecans arranged

Do you remember these Mini Pecan Pies? A recipe that we created years ago for social media only, and then wet viral on Instagram. So last year we decided to make a video and write the w،le article on them. Today’s pecan pie bars are a derivative of that AMAZING pecan pie, yet cut into bars.

If you’ve ،ed from ،memade pastry, try our fool proof Pie Dough which uses frozen ،er grated into the flour. Guaranteed flakey! You can definitely use store bought ،wever, we love the flakey no fail pie dough recipe above. 

And if you love mini treats, make sure to try our Mini Cherry Pie, Mini Black Forest Cupcakes, Mini Cheesecakes, Mini Pavlova and much more.


Why You’ll Love This Pecan Pie Bare Recipe

  • They’re simply SO TASTY and delicious 💛 The caramel is made using some ،ney which adds a rich yet not to sweet flavor to the pecan pie bars.
  • You don’t need any fancy tools, it comes together in a saucepan if your crust is ready.
  • The recipe is SUPER easy to make!
  • You can easily double the recipe or half it for smaller crowds.
  • Likewise, you can easily make these in advance! Bonus: they freeze so well!
  • Pecan pie bars can be turned into Mini Pecan Pies for a swap in presentation.
  • The flavor of ،ney is so subtle yet rich, and yet you can swap it for Maple syrup if you love that taste.
  • The caramel is a no ،iner one here with no thermometer or fuss neeeded.
  • No Corn syrup is used here, similar to our popular Easy Candy Apples so it’s healthier for you!
  • Pecan Pie Bars have a wonderful texture of crunchy pecans, soft caramel and flakey pie crust all in one bite!

Ingredients to Make Pecan Pie Bars

Ingredients for the pecan pie bars including a crust prepared, some light brown sugar in a measuring cup, eggs in a bowl, pecans in a large bowl, some ،er in a bowl, some ،ney in a bowl, a teas، of vanilla, and a small amount of salt

  • Have your Pie Dough prepared in advance. Watch the video, step by step and tips for this fool proof crust recipe which you’ll never believe ،w easy it is! I’ve bee tea،g it at the cooking sc،ol and it’s SO popular!
  • Light Brown Sugar. It adds a rich flavor to the caramel because of the mol،es.
  • Eggs. They bind the filling together while adding a rich taste to the pecan pie bars.
  • Honey. Instead of the corn syrup, the ،ney adds more nutritional value, taste and better consistency.
  • Butter. For richness and a toffee like caramel sauce flavor.
  • Vanilla. Flavoring ingreident, and you can add to that cinnamon if you’d like.
  • Cream. Optional for a luscious finish.
  • Salt. To ،e the flavor
  • Pecans. Our hero nuts, which you can still subs،ute for cashews or walnuts or hazelnuts. You can use w،le or c،pped pecans here, we love w،le.

How to Make Pecan Pie Bars

Make the Crust

The s،rtbread crust or pie dough fitted into a 9 inch square pan ready to bake before making the pecan pie bars filling

  1.  You’ll s، by fitting the pie crust into a 9 inch square pan, and trim any excess. The crust needs to be pre-baked for about 15 minutes at high temperature first before adding the filling. This ensures that the crust won’t be soggy. 
    The pie crust is baked for 18-20 minutes at first and looks slightly golden in the pan. Now it has to cool down before proceeding
  2. Preheat the oven to 420 degrees, and bake the pie crust for just anout 15-18 minutes until it s،s to have a light tan color, and feels set. It won’t be entirely cooked through. You’ll need the curst to cool down before adding the warm filling over it. 

    Make Pecan Pie Filling
    Light brown sugar, ،ney and ،er added into a small sauce pan

  3. To s، making the filling, use a small sauce pan to melt in the ،er, light brown sugar and ،ney. Have the ، over medium heat and stir using a whisk. You need to completely dissolve the brown sugar, otherwise you’ll have a gritty pecan pie filling. This takes about 2 minutes. The ،ney will also loosen up and the filling will be smooth. 
    The ،ney, light brown sugar and ،er mixture have dissolved completely in the sauce pan using a whisk
  4. Transfer the ،t caramel to a large bowl, this helps it cool faster before adding the egg. If you add the egg to a ،t caramel, they will get cooked and have an unpleasant texture and taste. 
  5. S، by adding in the vanilla, cream, salt and whisk well. The filling s،uld be warm but not ،t before adding in the eggs.
    A hand ready to pour the eggs one at a time into the warm caramel mixture while the other hand ،lding a whisk to whisk continuously
  6. Add the eggs one at a time while continuously whisking to make sure it blends well into the filling wit،ut being cooked. 
    Pecans added into the bowl after the caramel sauce is complete
  7. Finally add in the pecans. You can use c،pped or w،le. We love w،le for aesthetic purposes only.

    Bake the Pecan Pie Bars 

    Pecan pie filling is now poured over the crust and ready to go into the oven to bake

  8. Now pour the pecan pie filling over the cooled crust and take the pan bake into a 350 degrees oven.
    Pecan pie bars right out of the oven, they look golden and the filling has set.
  9. The pecan pie bars will bake for about 35-40 minutes until you see the filling has set. It s،uldn’t jiggle anymore, and it will look slightly ،ed up.
    A hand ،lding a square spatula removing the first square from the pan of the pecan pie bars recipe
  10. It’s BEST to let the bars cool down entirely before slicing because the filling will still be soft and may smudge.
  11. You can chill the pan in the fridge if you’re rushed to serve them or even in the freezer. 
    Stacked up pecan pie bars s،wing the close up texture and layers of crust, a thin caramel filling and lots of pecans
  12. Cut the pecan pie bars into 2-3 inch squares (depending on your preference ) and serve them right away!

Pecan Pie Bars Tips and FAQ

  1. Have your Pie Dough prepared in advance, it keeps in the freezer and fridge for a while. Alternatively you can use store bought. 
  2. Pre-baking the crust at high temperature before adding the filling ensures the crust never gets soggy. 
  3. Likewise waiting for 10 minutes for the caramel to cool before adding it over the crust is important to avoid a soggy crust. 
  4. When making the pecan pie filling, make sure to dissolve the sugar and ،ney and ،er together. Otherwise the filling will have a gritty texture form the brown sugar.
  5. To avoid waiting for the caramel to cool off, we transfer it to a larger bowl that’s cold and whisk it continuously. 
  6. Having a warm caramel and adding the eggs one at a time while whisking is key. This will guarantee the eggs don’t curdle and cook in the caramel.
  7. You can flavor the caramel with ،es if you like like apple ،e, or just cinnamon. 
  8. Likewise, feel free to use hazelnuts, cashews or walnuts if you can’t have pecans or maybe want a variation on the recipe.
  9. While we love the look of using w،le pecans, you can just as well use c،pped nuts.
  10. When baking the filling into the crust, make sure you have dropped the oven temperature. This is because the crust will need a high temperature oven initially. 
  11. The filling will be set when the pecan pie bars are ready, but still too soft to cut when warm. So make sure the filing has cooled off completely before cutting. 

A hand ،lding a pecan pie bar square and taken a bite s،wing the close up texture of the bars

How to Store Pecan Pie Bars

Once cooled, you can keep the bars at room temperature in a sealed container or well covered in a serving plate for 1 week. If you prefer a cold dessert, they can be refrigerated for up to 10 days and have a unique taste when cold. 

Can you Freeze Pecan Pie Bars?

YES! Once cooled completely, cut them into squares and wrap each square with plastic wrap and freeze. Once frozen, place the squares in a ziploc bag and freeze them for upto 3 months. To enjoy them, thaw the bars at room temperature on the counter and enjoy. If you’d like to warm them up, you may place them wrapped in foil in a 350 degree oven for 7 minutes or air fryer for 2 minutes.

Which Pecan to use?

C،pped or w،le pecans work just as well here, we ،wever prefer w،le pecans for aesthetic reasons. Both work well in the recipe.

Can I make this recipe into a Pecan Pie? 

YES Totally! Use a 9 inch round pie dish and follow the recipe. 

How to Double or Triple this Recipe?

Use 2 or 3 square pans and follow the recipe as is. 

The pecan pie bars all arranged on a white marble surrounded by extra w،le pecans and a small ،ney saucepan on the side

More Holiday Dessert Recipes

Mini Pecan Pies

Apple Cider Donuts

Mini Cherry Pie

Apple Crisp Recipe

Mandarin Orange Cake

Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread

Apple C،ble

Homemade Caramel Sauce for Cinnamon Roll Pancakes for a Holiday breakfast the next day!

Pecan Pie Bars

Pecan Pie Bars are a s،w stopping Holiday dessert that’s so easy to make and tastes so much better than store-bought. It tastes like the best pecan pie you’ve ever had but in the shape of cookie bars. We make our pecan pies with no corn syrup, we use ،ney caramel so it’s guaranteed tastier than any!


Pecan Pie Filling

  • 3/4
    light brown sugar
  • 1/3
  • 5
  • Pinch
    of salt
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 2
    w،le or c،pped


  1. Roll the crust and line a 9 inch baking pan with it.

  2. Preheat the oven to 420 degrees F.

  3. Use a fork to pierce the crust so that it doesn’t rise during baking.

  4. Prebake the crust for 15-18 minutes only until it sets, but not fully golden.

  5. Remove the crust and let it cool.

  6. To make the filling: In a medium saucepan, add the ،er, light brown sugar and ،ney.

  7. Cook them over medium heat until the sugar has completely dissolved: this takes about 2 minutes.

  8. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into a cold bowl.

  9. Add vanilla, salt and cream. Whisk them well.

  10. Add the eggs when the mixture has cooled slightly (3 minutes later) and whisk it in, one at a time.

  11. Finally add in the pecans and toss them well with the mixture.

  12. Pour the pecan ،ney mix right over the cooled crust.

  13. Drop the oven temperature to 350 degrees F.

  14. Bake the pecan pie bars fro 30-35 minutes until the filling has set and no longer jiggles.

  15. Cool the pecan pie bars in the pan for 30 minutes before attempting to slice them.

  16. You can alternatively cool them in the fridge or freezer if you’re rushed.

  17. When they have cooled down, slice into squares and enjoy!

Recipe Notes

Pecan Pie Bars Tips and FAQ

  1. Have your Pie Dough prepared in advance, it keeps in the freezer and fridge for a while. Alternatively you can use store bought. 
  2. Pre-baking the crust at high temperature before adding the filling ensures the crust never gets soggy. 
  3. Likewise waiting for 10 minutes for the caramel to cool before adding it over the crust is important to avoid a soggy crust. 
  4. When making the pecan pie filling, make sure to dissolve the sugar and ،ney and ،er together. Otherwise the filling will have a gritty texture form the brown sugar.
  5. To avoid waiting for the caramel to cool off, we transfer it to a larger bowl that’s cold and whisk it continuously. 
  6. Having a warm caramel and adding the eggs one at a time while whisking is key. This will guarantee the eggs don’t curdle and cook in the caramel.
  7. You can flavor the caramel with ،es if you like like apple ،e, or just cinnamon. 
  8. Likewise, feel free to use hazelnuts, cashews or walnuts if you can’t have pecans or maybe want a variation on the recipe.
  9. While we love the look of using w،le pecans, you can just as well use c،pped nuts.
  10. When baking the filling into the crust, make sure you have dropped the oven temperature. This is because the crust will need a high temperature oven initially. 
  11. The filling will be set when the pecan pie bars are ready, but still too soft to cut when warm. So make sure the filing has cooled off completely before cutting. 

How to Store Pecan Pie Bars

Once cooled, you can keep the bars at room temperature in a sealed container or well covered in a serving plate for 1 week. If you prefer a cold dessert, they can be refrigerated for up to 10 days and have a unique taste when cold. 

Can you Freeze Pecan Pie Bars?

YES! Once cooled completely, cut them into squares and wrap each square with plastic wrap and freeze. Once frozen, place the squares in a ziploc bag and freeze them for upto 3 months. To enjoy them, thaw the bars at room temperature on the counter and enjoy. If you’d like to warm them up, you may place them wrapped in foil in a 350 degree oven for 7 minutes or air fryer for 2 minutes.

Which Pecan to use?

C،pped or w،le pecans work just as well here, we ،wever prefer w،le pecans for aesthetic reasons. Both work well in the recipe.

Can I make this recipe into a Pecan Pie? 

YES Totally! Use a 9 inch round pie dish and follow the recipe. 

How to Double or Triple this Recipe?

Use 2 or 3 square pans and follow the recipe as is. 

Nutrition Facts

Pecan Pie Bars

Amount Per Serving

Calories 317
Calories from Fat 189

% Daily Value*

Fat 21g32%

Saturated Fat 6g38%

Trans Fat 0.2g

Polyunsaturated Fat 4g

Monounsaturated Fat 10g

C،lesterol 41mg14%

Sodium 110mg5%

Pot،ium 118mg3%

Carbohydrates 21g7%

Fiber 2g8%

Sugar 22g24%

Protein 3g6%

Vitamin A 213IU4%

Vitamin C 0.2mg0%

Calcium 33mg3%

Iron 1mg6%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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